Thursday, December 6, 2007

Object Description

It is white, black, and, grey and reads "Breakdown" all the way around. I have had this belt since eighth grade. I stole it our of my brother's closet after he had left for the first time. It is far beyond beat up and disheveled. The glue that holds the front and back together has worn out and it is now peeling in two. It has quite the history. The paint and designs are peeling off leaving a rough brown exterior. The hole that I have always used is stretched and ripping from the silver buckle. Yet I can not leave the house without it. It has that worn in feel that you get from an old pair of shoes or jeans. I have grown so used to having it on that sometimes even if I do not need a belt, I will where it anyway. I feel naked without it. I definitely think it has a lot to do with the fact that it was my brother's. It makes me feel like he's always around I guess. Everyone thinks I'm nuts. My mom tells me all the time I should go buy a new belt because not even a homeless person would wear this one. But until it stops holding my pants up, I will have no reason to stop wearing it around my waist.


Bran-Man said...

It's cool that you hold onto something only because you like it and not others. I just wish I could hear about some experiences you've had with the belt to make it seem more important.

NJ-Flies said...

I love the feeling of that post. I'm telling you, the broken in feeling of a belt is the best. I'm wondering if you liked it better when it was new because it so closely resembled your brother, or do you like it broken in because now it's a part of you?